The Ballard Family & Baby Leo Carlos
When I discovered I was pregnant, I was certain I wanted a homebirth. Luckily we found Carolyn.
As my pregnancy was the result of IVF, the process with the hse for a homebirth was very challenging. Fortunately, Carolyn provided amazing support and invaluable information, empowering me to advocate for my right to give birth at home.
“As my pregnancy was the result of IVF, the process with the hse for a homebirth was very challenging. Fortunately, Carolyn provided amazing support and invaluable information, empowering me to advocate for my right to give birth at home.”
Every step of the way, Carolyn's antenatal care gave me so much confidence. Her personalized and intimate home appointments brought a lot of trust and a sense of security.
The labor began at 11 pm (I was 40+5), hypnobirthing and meditation were essential. By 4 am, as contractions intensified and became regular I started using techniques like warm showers and TENS machine.
By 7 am, contractions were 4-5 minutes apart, so we gave Carolyn a heads-up. I knew we still had a while to go, so I focused on staying calm.
At 10 am, we were progressing faster, so I asked Carolyn to come.
As the hours passed, I was consumed by the intensity of labour, but comforted by the warmth of sunlight filling our living room and surrounded only by trusted people.
The final two hours before Leo's birth were a mix of sensations—intense, painful, and yet undeniably magical. With Leo's arrival at 12:20 pm, born gently into the water, our home was filled with an overwhelming sense of peace and joy.
Three hours later, we were in bed with our newborn son, in the indescribable bliss of the best day of our lives.
“Three hours later, we were in bed with our newborn son, in the indescribable bliss of the best day of our lives.”
Thanks to Carolyn who was the angel that helped us in this magical day.
The Campbell Family & Baby Rafa
My home birth journey commenced for me, when I realised I had a desire to have my second baby at home and the only thing preventing me from considering it as an option was fear. Fear of something going wrong, the unknown, distance from more help if needed. Following some more in-depth exploration of the home birth process, and reaching out to Carolyn in March 2023, just 3 days after a positive pregnancy test, the fear that I had, quietly over the following weeks and months disappeared.
“Carolyn emotionally held my hand through the process involved...I had complete confidence in the care Carolyn would provide. ”
Carolyn emotionally held my hand through the process involved, and as my due date neared, I was able to feel completely at ease with my decision to have sought a home birth as I had complete confidence in the care Carolyn would provide.
I was so well informed of my options by Carolyn, and provided with so much valuable care through the end of my pregnancy through to going into Labor. Once labor commenced and Carolyn arrived the thoughts of ‘what if’ disappeared. I felt as ease and could relax, the feelings of pain subsiding
And the sense of being nurtured at the fore! I felt completely at peace to listen to my body, and each surge. I had complete confidence in Carolyn’s guidance and felt my wishes were heard as well. I got strength from my midwives as the night progressed and believed entirely my body was capable of birthing my baby safely.
I will be forever grateful to Carolyn for the beautiful and cherished birthing experience she gave me, and hope many others have the pleasure of the same. 🧡
The Taylor Family & Baby Trixi.
“Continuity of care and these home visits made a huge difference, especially to my husband, as with Covid restrictions he would not have been permitted entry to any antenatal appointment outside of our home. ”
I gave birth to my second baby at home, with Carolyn as my midwife, earlier this year. Even though I had a homebirth on my first baby, this experience was totally different as my husband and I had continuity of care. Carolyn came to our house for every appointment and gave us ample time each visit.
Continuity of care and these home visits made a huge difference, especially to my husband, as with Covid restrictions he would not have been permitted entry to any antenatal appointment outside of our home.
My entire pregnancy (and the birth of our baby) all happened during covid restrictions, mostly within Level 5 ‘lockdown’.
We really got to know Carolyn and felt so comfortable asking her all sorts of random pregnancy and birth related questions. It was obvious from the start that midwifery is her passion.
Carolyn really helped me realise that this was my birth. And everything was my choice. Our questions were always answered calmly and thoroughly with evidence based research, and even followed with links to podcasts and supplementary info on topics she knew I was interested in learning more about. I found the recommendations given to us when asked for (eg homeopathy or a doula) were fantastic.
Carolyn shared our excitement about our pregnancy and birth and having a midwife who was so knowledgeable and reassuring was a real blessing. My toddler was also included in the antenatal visits.
One year old Heidi, midwife in training !
I went for a growth scan at week 39 and although everything was fine, Carolyn calmed me and guided my emotional self through it with such positivity.
(I called her in tears from the car as I was told I was having a big baby and was feeling a bit vulnerable)
I recall driving home after chatting, singing to myself in the car, and really believing I was capable of birthing my (big) baby at home.
My labour was long (Carolyn arrived to our home at approximately 19:00 and our baby wasn’t born until after 08:30 the following morning.)
My contractions would appear to have some rhythm but then taper off for a bit. I could not have been reassured more, and the support I got was priceless. You name it and Carolyn did it, massage, yoga ball, up and down the stairs, into the birthing pool (and back out), rest, inversions… at one point I recall a tug of war in our sitting room!
She was so on point and so obviously prepared for whatever labour brought.
During the pushing phase Carolyn reminded me to trust my body and I birthed a 4.29kg baby girl (with no stitches needed afterwards).
Carolyn called back to us at home the same day our baby was born. She was still there for us and our newborn for weeks after the birth, helping us navigate parenting two (and tandem feeding) and we felt so minded.
We know we are not finished growing our family and can only hope that Carolyn would be available again when the time comes.
Agustina, Alex & Arthur
“She cared and that always shines through. ”
Our experience with Carolyn was one of the most amazing surprises of the whole pregnancy-birth process.
In an unprecedented time for us personally (being 1st time parents can be scary) and globally (the pandemic pretty much reshaped our possibilities and expectations), finding Carolyn was like finding a beacon in the dark.
She was our HSE’s home birth midwife and Hypnobirthing teacher but also someone who could offer all the medical answers as well as a full range of alternatives.
She became our go-to person for everything we needed /wanted to know and she always had an answer. We were not just another patient, pee stick or number. She cared and that always shines through.
Thanks so much for everything you did!
“She became our go-to person for everything we needed”
Ivi, Anthony & Little Bowie
“She gave evidence-based research so we could make informed decisions. She was non-judgmental and not biased.”
Carolyn was my midwife to the home birth of my daughter (first baby) on the 31/1/20.
I always dreamed of a home birth but my partner Anthony was reluctant and apprehensive about the safety and what his role would entail. However, over time he started to come around to the idea a little.
I met Carolyn who informed me it was not to late to organise one (36 weeks) and I found out she worked for the HSE and she was available for my dates. I knew instantly I was going to have a home birth finally.
I chose Carolyn because she was experienced, professional and passionate about natural home births. On meeting Carolyn, Anthony was 100% on board. When I asked what changed his mind, he told me that she reassured all his concerns, she was professional, calm and trusted her after his first meeting.
She gave evidence-based research so we could make informed decisions. She was non-judgmental and not biased.
“She calmly slipped in through the door so not to interfere with the ambience we had created. I instantly felt safe. ”
Labour started, we called Carolyn when we needed her for emotional and professional support, she arrived straight away when we asked her. She calmly slipped in through the door so not to interfere with the ambience we had created. I instantly felt safe. Early labour was long and active labour only lasted 6 hours.
We worked together on her gentle suggestions to progress labour, they all worked! It also led to an empowering birth without going to hospital! She encouraged and allowed me to fully let go in the freedom of my home and to follow my instinct.
“I also have to mention the second midwife who was amazing, they worked so well as a team! They made my experience even more magical!”
I found Carolyn soo, calm, gentle, patient, encouraging and reassuring all the while making sure that I was in control of my own birth and decisions. Anthony also felt empowered by his role and was glad that he was encouraged to take a nap too!
As my daughter entered the world Carolyn guided my breath to prevent any tears (no stitches needed!) while in the pool. She brought such genuine joy, energy and excitement as she placed my baby on my chest. I also have to mention the second midwife who was amazing, they worked so well as a team! They made my experience even more magical!
Here’s little Bowie a few days later.
It didn’t end there. For two weeks after she helped me through the difficulties of early motherhood and breastfeeding. We got my baby ‘s lost weight back to birth weight in a week!
I am forever grateful to her for having a successful birth in my own home with no pain relief or interventions and getting me through new motherhood!
Thank you, love Ivi, Anthony and Bowie.
Alina, Igor & Baby Arthur
“Encouraging to focus on my breathing, and right away I felt the difference and thoughts came through my mind, how amazing that she is near and reminding me what I am supposed to do”
From the first moment, when I saw Carolyn, with her colorful skirt, loosed on her back a rich dense hair, a gentle look, straight away I knew she is a special human.
I resonated with her from our first consultation and thanked God meeting her in this life.
Carolyn has a holistic approach regarding pregnancy and births. Those aspects being so important for a pleased birth.
Carolyn instills confidence, because she knows her profession so well ‘up to the bones’ you feel secured and relaxed.
During the whole pregnancy period she showered me with advice and answered all my questions with patience. Each time she made sure that I understood all what she was telling me, as she knew and saw that my English was average.
During the labor time she gave me space, so I could live that moment in the best relaxed way possible.
Encouraging to focus on my breathing, and right away I felt the difference and thoughts came through my mind, how amazing that she is near and reminding me what I am supposed to do.
The birth itself it was magical. I am blessed and thankful for having Carolyn close by. That feeling of security in those moments make a difference. At the same time labor being an intimate moment, Carolyn knew when to intervene if it was the case.
The consultations after birth were as well full of love and encouragement. Only that idea that she is there for you to give me a hand keeps me at ease and brings tranquility for the mind.
I am grateful to the Supreme Divinity that brought Carolyn on my way. It’s not enough to be good at your job, but also to have compassion and to be a human - the true human!
Charlotte’s story
How this little one came into the world.
Charlotte doing skin-to-skin with her little one just after birthing him.
“Since this was my first pregnancy, I was nervously anticipating labour. Throughout each visit, Carolyn encouraged and advised me, and provided helpful advise regarding literature, natural pain relieving methods, hypno birthing techniques, aromatherapy, breathing techniques, how to express and freeze colostrum, and much more.”
My husband and I knew immediately that we wanted to have Carolyn as our midwife for our planned home birth, accompanying us throughout the last term of pregnancy, labour and postnatally.
Initially, I wasn't sure if home birth would be an option for me, being 37 and suffering from PCOS, after a miscarriage and a failed IVF attempt as well as a uterine surgery. Carolyn quickly eliminated my concerns by providing professional and knowledgable information and advice as well as her through her calm and sincere attitude.
After week 36, Carolyn came to see me on a weekly base and each visit took at least 90min. I enjoyed seeing her, each time she listened carefully to my questions, asked many herself and provided meaningful advise. It was a pleasure to deal with her, not only due to her professionalism but also her calm and warm hearted attitude. It felt more like a wise friend came to visit.
Since this was my first pregnancy, I was nervously anticipating labour. Throughout each visit, Carolyn encouraged and advised me, and provided helpful advise regarding literature, natural pain relieving methods, hypno birthing techniques, aromatherapy, breathing techniques, how to express and freeze colostrum, and much more. Thanks to Carolyn, I felt empowered and knowledgable about what to expect and she gave me the tools to control the situation to a degree I had not expected.
Throughout labour, even though it was painful and strong, I felt supported and protected. Carolyn stayed mentally with me and even chanted with me through every contraction (and there were many).
I especially appreciated that instead of telling me what to do or suggesting only one way, Carolyn gave me options and offered different possibilities (stay in pool or to try a different room, change music to hypno birthing, trying different breathing techniques...)
I felt weak and drained after several hours, though Carolyn reassured and empowered me again and again, and therefore it never felt like it was "too much to handle".
Even though it was tough and very hard work, the birth of our son was a peaceful experience. And while my partner and I were falling in love with him, Carolyn continued to work hard in the background and made sure that all necessary steps were completed.
“Thanks to Carolyn, I felt empowered and knowledgable about what to expect and she gave me the tools to control the situation to a degree I had not expected.”
Over the next week, Carolyn came to see us several times and called every day, and it was then I realised the full extent of her job. She ensured that I got my Anti-D shot (as I am rhesus AB negative), organised hospital appointments for check-ups, made sure the Public Health Nurse rang us, took the heel-prick test and delivered it herself to the hospital, and organised for clinical waste collection.
The home-birth system is not as well established in Ireland as in other countries, and most hospitals are not very comforting nor supporting, and Carolyn followed up thoroughly with the Coombe and made sure that my son and I would get every check-up.
Additionally, and most importantly, she was an incredible help when I ran into breastfeeding issues. Our son developed infant jaundice and my milk came in rather late, so he lost 10% of his birthweight. She helped us organise a professional hospital pump within the hour, helped with the handling and created an action plan for us. It was only with her help and support, that we were able to bring our son back to his birthweight by the 2 weeks mark and we managed this exclusively breastfeeding.
I cannot thank Carolyn enough for everything she did for my new family. She went above and beyond for us and when we eventually had to say our goodbyes, she felt like a close family friend. I will never forget her warm, affectionate way with our son and how she helped him to become this happy bundle of joy he is today.
Charlotte, Dublin
Marcella’s Story
Her second baby was born at home.
Myself, mum Marcella & midwife Niamh Bates with the new arrival, little Lasairfhíona.
“Carolyn is caring, knowledgable, professional and most of all, she is extremely passionate about women having their voices and preferences heard when it comes to pregnancy and birthing.”
Carolyn attended the birth of my daughter in July 2019 as part of the HSE’s homebirth scheme.
I met Carolyn about 2 years before then at breastfeeding support meetings where we struck up a friendship so I was delighted that she would be available to attend my homebirth.
Carolyn is caring, knowledgable, professional and most of all, she is extremely passionate about women having their voices and preferences heard when it comes to pregnancy and birthing.
During the birth of my daughter I found her to be attentive to my needs and the postnatal care she provided was excellent.
Her friendly, positive and calm manner always put me at ease and I valued her advice and help before, during and after the birth of my daughter.
I am sincerely grateful to her for all her help and I have no hesitation in recommending her to other women who wish to be cared for with respect and professionalism.
Thanks again Carolyn for everything :) x
Marcella Ní Raghallaigh, Dublin